IBM Automated Tape Libraries
The DFSMS/VM Removable Media Services (RMS) component of DFSMS/VM is required in order for Tape Manager to support IBM automated tape libraries (ATL) and IBM virtual tape servers (VTS). RMS is not needed for other vendors' tape libraries and tape servers. The Tape Manager Library Management Machine (LMM) interacts with RMS by using the RMS Callable Service Library (CSL) routines.
The LMM identifies a particular automated tape library using the library name specified in a LIBRARY statement in the Tape Manager configuration file (SYS CONFIG). The name of a library in the LIBRARY statement must match the name of the library as it is defined to RMS.
Since Tape Manager relies strictly on the RMS library name when interacting with RMS, it is not necessary for Tape Manager to distinguish between a traditional ATL, such as a 3494, and a VTS. Therefore, in this manual, the use of an automated tape library (or ATL) refers to either a real or virtual automated tape library. An automated tape library is supported by Tape Manager only if it is supported by RMS.
For Tape Manager catalogs (non-RMM), Tape Manager allows the specification of Scratch Category and Volume Category codes when a media type is defined. When a volume becomes eligible to be used as a scratch volume, for example, during expiration processing, Tape Manager will set the category to the Scratch Category value. When a volume transitions from a scratch status to a non-scratch status, Tape Manager will set the category to the Volume Category value.
Note that for scratch mount requests, Tape Manager chooses a volume based on the volume status information in Tape Manager. Scratch Category codes are not used to select a volume to fulfill a scratch mount request. All Tape Manager mount requests (whether for a scratch tape or a volume specific tape) result in a volume specific mount request to the library.
For RMM catalogs, ATL scratch mounts depend on the category codes associated with the library specified in the Tape Manager configuration file. When a device pool is associated with an ATL, the category codes can be specified for the device pool using the DEVPOOLCAT configuration statement. The categories can also be specified when defining a named scratch pool using the optional RMMSCRPOOL configuration statement. Refer to Configuring Tape Manager for RMM catalog for additional information on these configuration statements.