The TAPCMD DEFAULTS file contains site-specific information the
TAPCMD module requires for communication with the TMM (tape management
machine), such as the name of the TMM and the defaults for synchronous
or asynchronous processing. A sample TAPCMD DEFAULTS file is provided
on the 5697J08C 310 disk (or in SFS directory VMSYS:5697J08C.TAPEMGR.TESTUSER
and copied to 5697J08C 410 disk (or SFS directory VMSYS:5697J08C.TAPEMGR.PRODUSER.
It must be customized for your installation.
A TAPCMD DEFAULTS file is required on each Tape Manager system. You can make the TAPCMD DEFAULTS file available to end-users on a CMS minidisk or SFS directory. Co-location with the TAPCMD module is recommended. The MAINT 19E ("system Y-disk") minidisk is recommended.
See Customizing TAPCMD DEFAULTS for more information.