Usage notes

When using the EXPSTART command, consider the following items:

  1. Depending on the size of the catalog and other performance factors, the expiration processing can run for an extended time. Other Tape Manager functions will not be performed when the expiration processing is occurring so care should be taken when using the command. A review of the Tape Manager log can provide some information about the typical length of expiration processing, but that time might not be representative of the process duration at other times of the day.
  2. When expiration processing runs automatically as part of the daily cycle, a reader file that contains a log of the process is sent the ID that is configured as the Administration Message Console ID or, if that ID is not configured, the log is sent to the TMM ID. However, when the EXPSTART command is used, the log file will be sent to the user ID that issued the command. If the command was issued from a request node, the log will be transmitted to the issuing ID on the request node via the Tape Manager communications link.
  3. If message EUM0007E is returned, review the TMM log to determine the reason for the failure.