The Hourly Processing exit

Tape Manager provides support for a customer-written process to be executed on an hourly basis. If the TMM locates an EUMHRLY EXEC file on an accessed disk at start up, the TMM will execute the EXEC whenever a change in the hour is detected, which is normally within the first 10 seconds of the start of a new hour. If the TMM machine is down at the top of the hour, the EXEC will be executed when the TMM machine is restarted. The hourly processing exit is valid for both Tape Manager catalog and RMM catalog operations.

A sample exec (EUMHRLY SAMPEXEC) is provided on the sample disk (2C2) of the installation ID (5697J08C). The sample exec demonstrates the use of the migration tool to backup the Tape Manager catalog on a daily basis. When a backup is performed in the Tape Manager exit, a reliable backup can be produced since the catalog is stable during the exit processing. An external process can then backup catalog backup disks to tape (if desirable) and the integrity of the backup disks will be intact. Refer to Using the Migration Tool to perform automated backups for additional information.