Specifying a Library Manager Machine (LMM)

In this example, both of the request nodes will be sharing an automated tape library (ATL) with the catalog node. Assume that the following Library statement is in the configuration file on the catalog node:

Library NWAATL1,           /* Library name                        */
        ONLINE,            /* Initial Tape Manager status         */
        TCLM1 AT TMCAT,    /* LMM machine for catalog node SYS10  */
        TRLM1 AT TMREQ20,  /* LMM machine for request node SYS20  */
        TRLM1 AT TMREQ30   /* LMM machine for request node SYS30  */

The configuration file on node SYS20 contains a corresponding Library_Servers statement:

Library_Servers TRLM1

A similar statement is in the configuration file on the SYS30 node:

Library_Servers TRLM1

For more information on this statement, refer to Library_Servers.

Be aware that the TAPELIB command can be used on the catalog node to provide library information for a request node dynamically. For example, the TAPELIB command to dynamically define the ATL for node SYS30 might look like:


It is not necessary to dynamically define the library server on the request node. In this example, the TCTMM service machine on node SYS30 will attempt to start the TRLM1 service machine on node SYS30 the first time it receives a message from TCTMM on the catalog node for TRLM1 on SYS30. This is the process that might be used to add a library service machine to an active request node where the machine was not already defined.

Remote request nodes can be defined dynamically on the catalog node using the NODECMD DEF command. For more information on the NODECMD and TAPELIB commands, refer to the IBM Tape Manager for z/VM User's Guide and Reference (SC18-9349).