Support for non-IBM Virtual Tape Library (VTL) mounts

Tape Manager provides support for some non-IBM VTL systems. Although the devices are in a VTL, Tape Manager treats them as manual devices. The libraries are designed to automatically respond to the display of manual mount messages when those messages are in a specific format.

The format of the display message is controlled by the DISPFMT parameter on the DEVPOOL statement, which can be set to one of the following:
  • STD (the default)
  • VTL1 (for Luminex devices)
  • EMC (for EMC or Dell devices)
With DISPFMT VTL1, Tape Manager provides support for the Luminex CGX family of VTL devices, including CGX, MVTi, and MVTe.

For important additional information, see Virtual Tape Library (VTL) mounts for non-IBM libraries.

EMC or Dell Example:

DevPool,        /* Define a device pool for EMC VTL devices */
  EMCVTL,       /* 1 to 6-character device pool name */
  500-507,      /* Device pool devices */
  DISPFMT EMC   /* Specify EMC as the device type */

Luminex Example:

DevPool,        /* Define a device pool for Luminex VTL devices */
  LUMVTL,       /* 1 to 6-character device pool name */
  500-507,      /* Device pool devices */
  DISPFMT VTL1  /* Specify Luminex as the device type */