TAPEREQ command
The TAPEREQ command can be used to query or cancel both TAPEMNT and TAPEEOV commands. When a system administrator issues a TAPEREQ QRY ALL command, information relating to any outstanding tape mounts or EOV requests will be displayed.
The TAPEREQ command can also be used to cancel both TAPEMNT and TAPEEOV commands. To cancel a TAPEEOV command, the value that was specified in the PREREQ field of the TAPEEOV command must be used for the request number. It is possible for both a TAPEMNT and a corresponding TAPEEOV to have the same request number; in that case, if a TAPEREQ cancel is issued for the common request number, the TAPEEOV request will be deleted. An additional TAPEREQ (with the FORCE operand) would be needed to also cancel the TAPEMNT request. See the TAPEREQ documentation in the IBM® Tape Manager for z/VM® User's Guide and Reference for additional information.
The TAPEREQ command can also be used with the QRY ENQ operands to query any information about enqueues that are the result of TAPEMNT or TAPEEOV commands. See the TAPEREQ "usage notes" in the IBM Tape Manager for z/VM User's Guide and Reference for additional information.