Pool access privileges
The tape pool access options are ADMN, TAPE, WRITE, READ, and NONE. The access privileges are inclusive, meaning that an ADMN user has all of the privileges of TAPE, WRITE, and READ, plus administrative privileges. A TAPE user has WRITE and READ privileges, plus tape handling privileges. The table below defines the privileges.
Authority | Description |
ADMN | The user can alter the attributes of the pool with
the POOLMOD command or delete the pool with the POOLDEL command.
To define a pool, the user must be a system administrator or be granted pool definition authority by an administrator using the POOLACC SYS POOL command. When a pool is defined by a system administrator, the user defining the owner of pool is granted TAPE access by default. If the owner of the pool defines the pool, the owner is granted ADMN access by default. |
TAPE | The user can utilize tape management commands for the pool. The commands include TAPEMOD, TAPEDEL, TAPEMOV, and POOLXFR. |
WRITE | The user is permitted to mount tapes in the pool with WRITE access. |
READ | The user can mount tapes in the pool with READ access. |
NONE | The user cannot access tapes in the pool. |