Supported commands for Tape Manager and RMM catalogs
The table below shows the commands that are supported for Tape Manager catalogs and RMM catalogs. The commands may have different syntax based on which type of catalog is being used.
Command | Tape Manager catalog | RMM catalog |
CMDAUTH | Supported | Supported |
CMDEXIT | Supported | Supported |
CNFGSET | Supported | Supported |
NODECMD | Supported | |
POOLACC | Supported | |
POOLDEF | Supported | |
POOLDEL | Supported | |
POOLMOD | Supported | |
POOLQRY | Supported | |
POOLXFR | Supported | |
QUIT/EXIT/STOP | Supported | |
RMM | Supported | |
STATUS | Supported | |
TAPEADD | Supported | |
TAPEDEL | Supported | |
TAPEDEV | Supported | |
TAPEDSN | Supported | |
TAPEEOV | Supported | Supported |
TAPELBL | Supported | |
TAPELIB | Supported | Supported |
TAPEMNT | Supported | Supported |
TAPEMOD | Supported | |
TAPEMOV | Supported | |
TAPEQRY | Supported | |
TAPEREQ | Supported | Supported |