Common uses for workflows

The first thing you should understand about workflows is what they are used for. It is not possible to present you with a complete list, because there is an almost limitless range of things that can be done. Here are some common uses for workflows:

  • A workflow can be used to set the values in the fields of a new record. Formulas (discussed in "Life cycles") are a simpler and easier way to initialize the values of fields, but there are computations a workflow can do that a formula cannot. There is no guarantee of the order in which formulas are computed. If you need initial values for fields computed in a certain order, you must use a workflow.
  • You can use workflows to vary the appearance of a form based on the contents of underlying records or a user's actions.
  • You can use workflows to validate the contents of a form before saving its contents.
  • You can use workflows to perform computations to set the values of fields in a record. You can also use workflows to perform computations that affect just the fields in a form.
  • You can use workflows to create or manipulate records without requiring any interaction with a person.
  • You can use workflows to route work to people. This can be done entirely within the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform by having workflows put action items in a person's portal. (Portals are described in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: User Experience User Guide.) Workflows can also route work to people working outside the platform by copying data from records into a spreadsheet and e-mailing it to someone. A workflow can then receive an e-mailed spreadsheet that a person has worked on and copy its data into records.