UOM fields
A UOM (Unit of Measure) field identifies a unit of measurement such as pounds, feet or gallons. UOM fields are usually used with Number fields. One UOM field can be used to specify the unit of measure for any number of Number fields.
Though a Number field can be used to determine the unit of measure of other number fields, it can be more natural for people to specify a unit of measure for multiple number fields by using a field that is not associated with any single Number field.
A UOM field can also be used to determine the kind of measurement that a number is for, such as weight, length, or volume. A UOM field uses all the usual field properties, which are described in "Field properties". There are some additional properties.
The UOM List property is used to select the kind of unit that the field will allow to be selected, such as weight, length or volume. The type of unit that can be selected can be changed if the Edit UOM List check box is checked.
The Default UOM property specifies the initial value of this field in new records.
The Edit UOM List property specifies that at runtime the user can change the type of units measured not just the unit value. For example the user could change the UOM List from Length to Area which would change the unit values available from feet and meters to square-feet and square-meters.