Note fields

A Note field contains a formatted piece of text. There is no limit to the length of the text. A Note field has the usual field properties, which are described in "Field properties".

When the Localizable property is selected, it indicates that this field should be exported during instance data export for translation. Selecting this property specifies that this field is meant to have secondary language values. By default, this property is not selected.

Note field values are stored in the database in binary format. The string representation of the binary value sent for translation includes HTML tags. These HTML tags must be retained during translation.

Should you change an existing Note field from localizable to not localizable after the field has existing language values and internal values, you will see a warning message. The stale values remain in the language table.

An editable Note field displays to a user in a WYSIWYG editor with basic formatting and basic editing features. Users also can insert/update a table, embed an image, and view/edit the source HTML. Use the Style Manager to configure settings for a Note field's editor format options. The Style Manager is discussed in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: User Experience User Guide. A read-only Note field displays the HTML defined in the field without editor controls.

The audit data store has a limit of 4000 characters for any audited field. If an audited Note field's data exceeds 4000 characters, its corresponding audit record reflects the first 4000 characters of that Note field's value.

Note: Use pure HTML reports when you are building HTML form reports with Note data.
Tip: Note field names should end with NO for easy identification later, e.g., cstCommentsNO.
Attention: A Note field cannot be used as any part of a record's name. Also, the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform search tool does not find text in a Note field and the Report Manager does not allow reporting on this field. If these limitations are unacceptable, consider using the Text data type.