Color fields

Color fields contain a color. Color values can be used to control the color of some things that are displayed.

A Color field has all the usual field properties, which are described in "Field properties", except for Read Only. It is not possible to specify that a Color field is read only.

The Default Value property is used to specify the initial value for the field. To specify a default value click the search icon. A palette of colors pops up. After you have selected a color by clicking it, the color palette disappears and a rectangle of the selected color appears to the left of the search icon.

You may have noticed that above the palette of colors there were two tabs, Basic and Advanced. We just set the color using the Basic Color Picker. The alternative is to use the Advanced Color Picker. Click the search icon again. Now click the Advanced tab. You have four ways to specify the color: By selecting the area to the left and the color spectrum in the middle; by entering the r, g, and b values directly; by entering the h, s, and v values directly; or by entering the hex value directly (do not forget to put the # in front of the hex value). Note that if you are entering the values directly, you will need to click inside the Color Picker or press tab for the color to update. When you are satisfied, click Apply and the selected color appears in the Default Value property. Most other places in IBM® TRIRIGA® that have color fields also provide the option of using the Advanced Color Picker.

Tip: Color field names should end with CO for easy identification later, e.g., cstDisplayColorCO.