Creating or modifying job schedulers

Use job schedulers to schedule when TRIRIGA® runs ETL job items and job groups. You can schedule jobs to run on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Before you begin

Although TRIRIGA includes predefined job schedulers, no jobs are scheduled until you revise the predefined job schedulers or create a new job scheduler with a start date and end date and click Activate.


  1. Click Tools > System Setup > Job Scheduling > Job Scheduler.
  2. Select an existing job scheduler or click Add.
  3. Enter a name and description for the job scheduler.
  4. In the Schedule section, select the Schedule Type frequency from the list presented.
    • If you select the Daily schedule type, the Hourly and Every fields are displayed. Click the Hourly check box to schedule jobs to run hourly, then click the Every field to specify the number of hours between each scheduled job.
    • If you select the Advanced schedule type, the Recurrence Pattern field displays in the Schedule section. Click Recurrence Pattern to open the Job Event form, which provides flexible options for scheduling jobs.
  5. Optional: In the Schedule section, select the Run Historic Captures? check box to indicate that historic data is included in the metrics that are calculated from the results of the activities in this job schedule.
    When this job schedule is activated, this option instructs the job scheduler to generate and run jobs where the scheduled date is earlier than today. The parameters, such as start date, end date, and fiscal period, for the time frame or period are passed into each job item to simulate a historic capture. However, since the process is being run now, success is entirely dependent on how the ETL scripts use these parameters. Running historic captures is an advanced option that requires a complete understanding of how each script works.
  6. Select the starting date for the first capture, the ending date for the last capture, and the capture lag from the end date of each capture, which is the amount of time that the system waits to start the workflows that process the job.
    Each data capture period is calculated by using the start date and the schedule type. The system triggers a workflow to run the ETL job items immediately after the capture lag from the end of each capture period.
    For example, if the start date is 01/01/2014, the schedule type is monthly, and the capture lag is one day, the following events are scheduled:
    Table 1. Job runs scheduled from the beginning of the month
    Job runs - Just after midnight on Captured data start date Captured data end date
    02/01/2014 01/01/2014 01/31/2014
    03/01/2014 02/01/2014 02/28/2014
    04/01/2014 03/01/2014 03/31/2014
    The End Date determines the last event to capture.
    Using the preceding example, if 03/15/2014 were the End Date, the last event would be scheduled as follows:
    Table 2. Job runs scheduled from the middle of the month
    Job runs - Just after midnight on Captured data start date Captured data end date
    03/16/2014 03/01/2014 03/15/2014
    • When the Reset Capture Period? check box is selected, it forces the system to ensure that the capture period is kept current every time a job runs.
    • For example, if an activated job scheduler is configured with schedule type of monthly, the system wakes up every month and runs the job items in the record. During the wake-up, if the Job Scheduler’s reset capture period is selected, the system ensures that the capture period is set correctly based on the wake-up date.
    • When you specify job items, job groups, or both and activated this job schedule record, the list of scheduled events for this Job Schedule shows in the Scheduled Jobs section.
  7. In the Job Items section, use the Find or Remove actions to select the ETL job items and job groups to include in the schedule and click OK.
    The job items run in the order that is specified in the Sequence column.
    • When this job schedule is activated, the Metrics section summarizes logging data for this job schedule.
    • The Average Duration is the calculated based on the Total Duration and the Number of Runs (Total Duration / Number of Runs).
    • When this job schedule is activated, the Logs section shows the time and status from each time this job schedule is run.
  8. Optional: Adjust the sequence of the job items.
  9. Click Create Draft and then click Activate.


The TRIRIGA system creates a set of scheduled jobs that are based on the schedule type and the start and end dates. These can be seen in the scheduled jobs section of the job schedule.