Retrieve section

The second section of the properties form for a Retrieve Records task is labeled Retrieve. The purpose of this section is to specify the computation that is to be performed on the records that are retrieved. The computation is determined by which one of the radio buttons in this section is selected.

When the properties form is first displayed, only the currently selected radio button is visible. The visible radio button has a down arrow button. Clicking the down-arrow button alternately makes all the radio buttons visible or just the selected radio button visible.

The following descriptions explain the meaning of the radio buttons. There are fields that appear to the right of some of the radio buttons. These fields contain additional information needed for the choice represented by the radio button they appear next to.

Here are the descriptions:
A List
If this option is selected, the task will take the retrieved and filtered records and make them the result list that is associated with this task.
____ Record(s) with the Greatest value In CHOOSE FIELD

If this option is selected, this task will take the specified number of retrieved and filtered records that contain the greatest values in the specified field and make them the result list associated with this task. Note there is no unit of measure considerations, it is a straight comparison.

Records with a null value will be returned last. You can add a static filter in the Filter Using section if you want to eliminate null returns. See information about the Filter Using section in Filter using section (retrieve records).

When you click this radio button, a window pops up for you to specify which field this task should use. After you have specified which field to use, the name of the field appears as the text of the hyperlink in place of the previous text. Clicking the hyperlink will pop up the window again to you can change the specified field.

The result list can be used by subsequent tasks to initialize or modify records. This is described in "Object mapping".

____ Record(s) with the Least value In CHOOSE FIELD

If this option is selected, this task will take the specified number of retrieved and filtered records that contain the least values in the specified field and make them the result list associated with this task. Note there is no unit of measure considerations when taking this sum, it is a straight comparison.

Records with a null value will be returned first. You can add a static filter in the Filter Using section if you want to eliminate null returns. See information about the Filter Using section in Filter using section (retrieve records).

When you click this radio button, a window pops up for you to specify which field this task should use. After you have specified which field to use, the name of the field appears as the text of the hyperlink in place of the previous text. Clicking the hyperlink will pop up the window again to you can change the specified field.

The result list can be used by subsequent tasks to initialize or modify records. This is described in "Object mapping".


If this option is selected, this task will take the retrieved and filtered records, add the numbers in the specified field and make the sum the result sum that is associated with this task. Note there is no unit of measure considerations when taking this sum, it is a straight addition.

When you click this radio button, a window pops up for you to specify which field this task should use. After you have specified which field to use, the name of the field appears as the text of the hyperlink in place of the previous text. Clicking the hyperlink will pop up the window again to you can change the specified field.

The result sum can be used by subsequent tasks to initialize or modify records. This is described in "Object mapping".

Financial Data from Token CHOOSE TOKEN

If this option is selected, this task will filter the retrieved financial records so that only those that have a Financial Rollup field that uses the specified financial token will be included in the result list associated with this task.

When you click this radio button, a window pops up for you to specify which token this task should use. After you have specified which token to use, the name of the token appears as the text of the hyperlink in place of the previous text. Clicking the hyperlink will pop up the window again to you can change the specified token.

The result list can be used by subsequent tasks to initialize or modify records. This is described in "Object mapping".

The description of Financial Rollup fields and financial tokens is in Application Building for the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Calculations.

All Descendants

If the retrieved records are created from a business object that is part of a hierarchy module and this option is selected, then this task takes the descendants of the retrieved and filtered records and makes them the result list associated with this task.

If the Including Self check box to the right of this radio button is checked, then the result list will include the retrieved and filtered records along with their descendants.

The result list can be used by subsequent tasks to initialize or modify records. This is described in "Object mapping".

All Ancestors

If the retrieved records are created from a business object that is part of a hierarchy module and this option is selected, then this task takes the retrieved and filtered records along with their ancestors and makes them the result list associated with this task.

If the Including Self check box to the right of this radio button is checked, then the result list will include the retrieved and filtered records along with their ancestors.

The result list can be used by subsequent tasks to initialize or modify records. This is described in "Object mapping".