Reminder section
The fourth section of the form for user action task properties is labeled Reminder. The purpose of the Reminder section is to specify whether the recipient of an action item should receive a reminder to complete the action item.
field Send Reminder to Assignee has
a drop-down list with these items in it:
- Never
- If this is selected, no reminder will be sent.
- Before Estimated Due Date
- If this is selected, a reminder will be sent a specified amount of time before the action item is due.
- After Estimated Due Date
- If this is selected, a reminder will be sent a specified amount of time after the action item is due.
Under the Send Reminder to Assignee field is a field labeled Expected Time to Complete. This is not what it sounds like. It is the amount of time before or after the action item is due that a reminder should be sent if the action item is not completed.