Example: Workflow parameters and return values (call workflow)
The Workflow Parameters and Return
Values screen appears whenever you click the Parameters action. It
shows the parameters and return values from the workflow being called.
An example best explains how to use the Workflow
Parameters and Return Values screen. The following figure starts
this example with a workflow containing variables to hold the input
parameters and the return value for a call to a subflow workflow.
The example could also be a synchronous workflow, except the parameters
could not be required.Figure 1. Call Workflow task example
Of course to really be of value this
workflow would contain some tasks that would assign values to the
variables we are using as the source for our input parameters.
Click Parameters. The Parameters link in the Workflow
Parameters and Return Values screen appears. The first time you click
the Parameters link the screen does not show any values.Figure 2. Initial
Workflow Parameters and Return Values screen
Click the Initialize action and the
system fills in the initial values in both the Parameters section
and the Return Values section based on the workflow being called.Figure 3. After Initialize action
The parameter and return value names
from the subflow are filled in. One of the parameters is required
and therefore does not have a check box to allow selecting it to be
The variables to use within this
workflow have not been assigned yet. Assign them by clicking on the
Name. The Workflow Parameter Definition screen appears.Figure 4. Workflow
Parameter Definition screen
The choices in the Variable drop down
are the variables defined on the workflow. Click OK after
selecting the Variable. The value displayed in the Required field
reflects the value in the workflow being called.Figure 5. Workflow
parameter defined
Repeat the definition process for the other parameter and the return value.
Since the second parameter is optional it could be deleted rather than assigning it a value. You can
always choose to ignore any returned values by deleting them. Any that remain in the Workflow
Parameters and Return Values screen must be valid, which means the input parameters must be assigned
to variables. Any that have with <Not set> in the Variable column will prevent the workflow
from publishing.
the following figure, the second (optional) input parameter has been
deleted and the return value assigned a variable.Figure 6. Optional
parameter deleted
If after deleting a parameter or return
value you decide you want it back, click Initialize and assign a
variable to it.Figure 7. All parameters and return values defined
If the calling workflow has invalid
parameters or returns (either required parameters missing or any that
do not have a variable assigned), it cannot be published. Attempting
to do so produces an error message.Figure 8. Error message when
calling workflow has invalid parameter
If you were to try to publish the
called workflow while there is a calling workflow with invalid parameters
or returns, the system displays a warning. As this is a warning message,
you can choose to publish it and then go fix the calling workflow(s)
later or can cancel and look at the calling workflow(s) now. You can
use the Callers link to view the workflows that have problems. Clicking
Callers brings up the Calling Workflows Parameters Check screen.
Click a hyperlinked Name to open the workflow so the problem can be
resolved.Figure 9. Calling Workflows Parameters Check screen
Note the Calling Workflows Parameters
Check identifies the workflows with errors by showing Invalid in red
in the Parameters column.
Within a workflow,
Call Workflow tasks that call a workflow with parameters are checked
to verify that the parameter and return value mapping is valid. If
the mapping is not valid the Call Workflow task is outlined in red
and the workflow will not publish. The following conditions make the
mapping invalid:
A required subflow parameter is not
assigned a value.
A parameter is assigned and the parameter
does not exist on the called workflow (can happen due to modifications
to the called workflow after the mapping was defined).
A parameter is assigned and the type
is not compatible (can happen due to modifications to the called workflow
after the mapping was defined).
A variable is assigned from a return
value that does not exist on the called workflow (can happen due to
modifications to the called workflow after the mapping was defined).
When a workflow with parameters and/or
return values is published, the system checks calling workflows to
verify that the parameter and return value mappings are valid. Any
workflows that have invalid mappings an be viewed by using the Callers