Correlation section

The second section of the DataConnect task properties form is labeled Correlation. The purpose of the Correlation section is to specify where the task should get the correlation number. The correlation number is a secondary key to help with sequencing or to signify child records for a specific parent. The choices for Correlation are as follows:
Indicates that the correlation on the staging entry should be used in ordering the rows to process and will be used in the Order By in conjunction with the Sequence Number. This is the default and the most common scenario unless you have DataConnect tasks one within another.
Task Step
Indicates that the correlation should come from an enclosing DataConnect task and should be used in the Where clause to determine what entries to process (Job Number + Correlation Number, ordered by Sequence Number). Using this allows the DataConnect task to get the correlation number from one of the enclosing DataConnect task's data. For example, if you are working on the fourth POBody in the job, you only want the POLines that go with that POBody. The Correlation setting along with the staging table data allow this type of relationship. The drop-down list contains the DataConnect task steps this step is contained within, if any. Only DataConnect task steps are valid for this reference. Select the task step from those listed in the drop-down list.