DC_JOB table fields

The DC_JOB table is filled by the external process, updated by the DataConnect Agent and the asynchronous workflows that act on it, and deleted by the Cleanup Agent. The DC_JOB table includes specific fields.

Table 1. DC_JOB table fields
Column name Key Type Default Null-able Description
JOB_NUMBER Y NUMBER(20)   N A job identification number.
JOB_TYPE Y NUMBER(4) 1 N An identifier of the type of job. Value is: 1 - Create/Update IBM® TRIRIGA® records, inbound data.
JOB_NAME N VARCHAR(100)   Y The name of the job.
JOB_RUN_CTL N VARCHAR(100)   N Controls concurrency. The DataConnect Agent uses the JOB_RUN_CTL with the JOB_NAME to throttle itself. If a Job is single threaded, no other job with that JOB_NAME runs until the running job is Completed or Failed. Values are: 1 - single threaded, 2 - multithreaded.
BO_NAME N VARCHAR(100)   Y The business object name for the record that is created to represent the job. This business object must be created in the triDataConnectJob module.
USER_ID N NUMBER(20)   Y IBM TRIRIGA profile id to use for processing.

This field is required for integration to look up data, for example, for smart sections or UPDATE or UPSERT actions. The value should be the SPEC_ID of the T_MYPROFILE user that you want DataConnect to use.

Depending on the user, DataConnect might end up filtering data based on security settings. Make sure that the user has the proper geography, organization, and project settings.

STATE N NUMBER(4) 0 N A state identifier to indicate the current state of the job. Values are: 0 - New, 1 - Ready, 2 - Processing, 3 - Completed, 4 - Failed, 5 - Obsolete.
SOURCE_SYS_ID N VARCHAR(100)   Y Identifier for the system that created the job (used for informational reporting).
PROCESS_SYS_ID N VARCHAR(100)   Y Identifier for the system that is processing/processed the job (used for informational reporting). You do not need to provide this information.
CREATED_DATE N DATETIME Date N The datetime the entry was added (defaulted).
UPDATED_DATE N DATETIME   Y The datetime the entry was last changed. You do not need to provide this information.

Use the Administrator Console to see the contents of the DC_JOB table. Select DataConnect Jobs in the DataConnect managed object in the Administrator Console. For more information about the Administrator Console and the DataConnect managed object, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Administrator Console User Guide.