Form access
When you click the plus sign icon to the left of a module name, it shows the forms in the module.
When a form is selected in the Object panel, the Permission panel contains Data Access, Application Access, and Form Action Access permissions.
You may select one Data Access permission. Initially, Inherit from Parent is selected. The Inherit from Parent access permission sets the access level of the form, tabs, or sections. In a situation where the user is a member of multiple security groups, Inherit from Parent means that this group inherits permissions from its group parent, not from the collection of multiple groups.
No Access means just what it sounds like. The other levels of data access permissions allow progressively more access to records, all the way to Read, Update, Create, and Delete, which allows members of the group to look at existing records, change the contents of records, create new records, and delete records.
The Application Access permissions shown for a form only include actions from the state transitions that the form uses. Members of the group can perform an action on a form's record only if the action's check box is selected in the list for the form or its module.
The Form Action Access permissions shown for a form include all actions added in the form to sections as well as any action fields. Members of the group can perform a form action on a form's record only if the action's check box is selected in the list for the form and if they have Read, Update, Create, and Delete access to the form.