ETL integration
TRIRIGA® uses the Pentaho
ETL development environment, Spoon, to generate transform XML files. These transforms, when run
through the API, move data from source to destination tables.
ETL integration architecture
TRIRIGA uses an ETL environment to create the ETL scripts that populate the fact tables. The ETL development environment is the Pentaho Data Integration tool, Spoon. The ETL development environment enables the creation of SQL queries that read data from the TRIRIGA business object tables and map and transform the results to the fact table fact and dimension columns.
ETL integration process
To move data from the source to destination tables, you run the ETL transform files that you developed in Pentaho Spoon through the API.
Prerequisite setup for ETL integration
Within TRIRIGA Application Platform , a business object and a form manage the transforms. The source tables and destination fact table must be defined and the mappings understood to create the transformation.
Defining and maintaining ETL transforms
Use an ETL development environment to create a transformation to move data. During the transform, you can do calculations and use variables from TRIRIGA Application Platform and from the system.
Running ETL transforms
Use the TRIRIGA Job Scheduler to run the ETL job items and job groups that are used to move data into the TRIRIGA fact tables or flattened hierarchy tables.
Customizing transform objects
TRIRIGA provides ETL job items and transform objects. Rather than defining a new transform object, you can customize an existing ETL job item transform object. If you use an existing transform object, then you must define or maintain the transform. However, you do not need to define or maintain the business objects, forms, or workflow tasks, as they are already defined.