Architecture overview
The source data for TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management comes from the TRIRIGA® application database, financial summary data that is imported from an external financial system, and building meter data that is imported from external building management systems.
Using ETL technology, the source data is loaded into fact tables. The fact tables and dimension tables are in the same database repository as the TRIRIGA applications. The fact tables store the numerical data, referred to as facts, that is used to calculate the TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management metric values. Each row in a fact table references one or more related business objects, classifications, or lists that group and filter the facts. These rows are called dimensions.
The metric query engine runs queries on the fact and dimension tables. Metric queries quickly recalculate metric values as the user moves up and down a hierarchical dimension.
The following diagram shows the distinct layers that make up this architecture and the flow of data between these layers: