Configuring Spoon input steps

You can use input steps to bring data into the transform.

About this task

Table input is the source of most of your data. By using the specified database connection, you can set up SQL to extract data from tables.


  1. Double-click a table input step to open up the information for the step.
  2. Set the connection to TRIRIGA® or the source database.
  3. Enter your SQL into the SQL table.
  4. Select OK to save the table input.
  5. Select Preview to preview the data that the table input includes.
    If you are using variables in SQL, the variables must be set for the Preview to function. You must either hardcode the variable values while testing or select Edit > Set Environment Variables to set the variable values. The variables in SQL are $(triActiveStartDA_MinDATE} and ${triActiveEndDA_MaxDATE}.


The SQL provided extracts input rows from T_TRIORGANIZATIONALLOCATION organization and T_TRISPACE space, where org.TRILOCATIONLOOKUPTXOBJID = space.SPEC_ID. It uses dates from the transform business object to limit the data that is included.