Container or Umbrella tasks
Some project tasks are called container tasks or umbrella tasks. This means that they are composed of one or more tasks. The tasks inside a container task can run in series or in parallel (be overlaying). A container task is used to break a project into major phases; each container task contains a group of tasks or activities.
If you want a record to represent a container task, create an association between the record that represents the container task and the records that represent the smaller tasks that are in the container task. On the container task side of the association, the name must be Includes. On the other side of the association, the name must be Included In.
It is possible to interactively make some tasks container tasks by using the Gantt section's indent and outdent features. To create an umbrella task, you indent a task under it or drag a task under it. The task that is indented becomes the child task of the umbrella task. You use the indent feature by selecting a task in the task table of the Gantt section and then clicking the Indent button on the Gantt section toolbar. To remove a task from under the umbrella task, you click the Outdent button or delete the task.
For this feature of the Gantt section to work properly, there must be a workflow called triTask - Synchronous - Promote Task that creates the Includes / Included In association.
Another way to create the parent child relationship for the container task is to use the Rollup To Task (triTaskRollupTo) section from the task form. Populate this section with the ID of the task that is the parent of the current task.