Defining report columns

The Columns tab defines which fields are used in the report. The fields that you select are shown as the columns in the report.

About this task

The information in the Columns tab is organized into sections. The Business Object section indicates the source business objects. The Columns section identifies which fields in the selected business object to include in the report. The Display Columns section specifies the order in which the selected fields are presented and the labels that are used to identify them.

Note: Column widths. Starting in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 5.0, the column widths for enhanced reports in Report Manager can be defined in pixel (Px) values only. In previous releases, the column widths for enhanced reports were defined in percentage values only. For upgraded environments, a width conversion from percentages to pixels will occur with the following calculation:
  • pixelWidthValue = (percentageWidthValue * 1312) / 100
  • pixelWidthValue will automatically be set to 58, if the calculated value is less than 58.
  • pixelWidthValue will always be a whole number from 58 to 9999.
  • pixelWidthValue will not support any invalid entries (such as letters and symbols).
Note: Smart sections. In the Columns tab, when fields from the smart section of a business object are needed as columns in the report, do not select fields directly from the smart section. Instead, add the smart section's business object as an associated business object to the query. Then, in the Columns tab, select the fields from the selected associated business object.


  1. Select the business objects.
  2. In the Columns section, select the checkbox for each field to include in the report.
  3. In the Display Columns section, edit the text in the Report Label text box.
  4. To specify the pixel (Px) width for the display space of a field, specify a numerical value in the Width text box.
    Note: The pixel value must be a whole number from 58 to 9999. If the specified value is less than 58, it will automatically be set to 58.
  5. Select Save.