Data types

To preserve data that is from IBM TRIRIGA, the system returns all business object field data from IBM TRIRIGA in the form of Java™ Objects. All starter reports have output columns that are modeled as Java Objects.

Use the following guidelines for Java objects:
  • When you use a value in the report, you must know the BIRT Type to map it to.
  • If you use values frequently, more scripting is required.
  • When you drag an IBM TRIRIGA element directly onto a report, the element shows in the report.

To use the output column for something other than display, you can access the SQL value from the output column in any BIRT expression by using the object's getNativeValue() method.

For example, in the Expression Builder, enter the following value: row["Classification_triFiscalPeriods_triStartDA"].getNativeValue().

If the Java object has additional methods, you can access them by using any BIRT expression. When binding one of these expression results to a report element, select the appropriate BIRT type to access all the built-in BIRT functions.

When you put the output column on the report, BIRT automatically uses the toString() method. To access the value, use the following minor script: row["Classification_triFiscalPeriods_triStartDA"].getNativeValue().

When you export a starter report, all data is mapped to Java Objects inside BIRT. Every Java Object minimally has the getNativeValue() and toString() methods.