Context for data requests

In IBM TRIRIGA, you must add context to data requests. Context is required for the current user, the record, and the project.

The BIRT preview environment provides the user context from the IBM TRIRIGA BIRT preferences. The IBM TRIRIGA runtime environment gets the user context from the user that is logged in.

In both the BIRT preview and IBM TRIRIGA runtime environments, record context passes through the BIRT report as a report parameter and down to the data sets.

A starter report for a query has a non-required, hidden system__parentRecordId report parameter. For the query data set, it has a system__parentRecordId input parameter. When the report runs, if a nonzero value is passed through the parameter to IBM TRIRIGA, it becomes the $$RECORDID$$ value when the IBM TRIRIGA query runs.

In a starter report for a form, the system__recordIds parameter is a required report parameter. The system__recordIds parameter is a comma-delimited list of record IDs that the form report renders. You can use multiple IDs for bulk-reporting requirements.

In a BIRT preview environment, a prompt is used to collect the system__recordIds value to preview the form report. The following are examples: 1590609, 1345105, 1295530.

In a report definition, even though the report has a parameter that is configured as not-hidden, the prompt is not shown inside an IBM TRIRIGA runtime environment, because the runtime environment provides the value.

In the BIRT preview environment, you can specify a project context in the IBM TRIRIGA BIRT Preferences section by using the project ID input. The BIRT preview environment uses the project ID input to provide project context for any IBM TRIRIGA requests.