Runtime data validations

The DataConnect run time conducts some data validation. For example, if there is a unit of measure (UOM) field in the staging table and its value is invalid. When the DataConnect task encounters a failed row, it stops processing and fails the DataConnect iteration (not the entire DataConnect task). The row is marked in the staging table as Failed.

Here, you have a choice, whether to continue with the next iteration or to break out of the task. Place a Break into the workflow to tell the workflow how to proceed. If no Break is added, the DataConnect task continues processing.

DataConnect includes the following built-in runtime data validations:
  • UOM and locator values are valid.
  • Data type is valid for the field.
  • Form Name is valid for the object.
  • Project name, if provided, is valid for the system.

You can add more data validation and cleansing with the Use Temporary Data property.