Overview of form sections
You can add a section to a tab by clicking the tab's name in the Navigation panel and then clicking the Add Section action.
- Form Section
A form section can contain fields and buttons. Each field may be explicitly based on a field in the business object associated with this form.
Form sections are discussed in greater detail in "Form sections".
- Smart Section
A smart section is connected with a smart section in the business object associated with the form. A smart section can contain fields explicitly connected with fields in the business object's smart section.
Smart sections are discussed in greater detail in "Smart sections".
- Multi Tab Section
A multi tab section cannot directly contain any fields. It can only contain other sections. A tab is created for each section in a multi tab section.
Multi tab sections are discussed in greater detail in "Multi tab sections".
- Query Section
A query section displays the results of a query. The query may be produced by the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform internal report generator or by an external report generator. See the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Reporting User Guide for details about building queries.
Query sections are discussed in greater detail in "Query sections".
- Report Section
A report section displays the results of a form report.
Report sections are discussed in greater detail in "Report sections".
- Graphics Section
Graphics sections exist to display a graphic image that is associated with an organization, geography or location.
Graphics sections are discussed in greater detail in "Graphics sections".
- Excel Section
Excel sections are used to display an Excel spreadsheet and use the calculations of the spreadsheet to update fields in other sections.
Excel sections are discussed in greater detail in "Excel sections".
- Gantt Section
Gantt sections are used to display Gantt charts.
Gantt sections are discussed in greater detail in "Gantt sections".
- Availability Legacy Section
Availability Legacy sections are used to display the availability of resources.
Availability Legacy sections are discussed in greater detail in "Availability legacy sections".
- Stacking Section
Stacking sections are used to view current or planned assignments of demand to supply and allow the user to make changes by moving some of the demand from one location to another.
Stacking sections are discussed in greater detail in "Stacking sections".
- Group By Section
Group By sections show data in a tabular grid-like format grouped by the values of a specified field. The data in a Group By section is sourced from a query.
Group By sections are discussed in greater detail in "Group by sections".
- Calendar Section
Calendar sections show resource calendars. The data in a calendar section is sourced from a calendar set.
Calendar sections are discussed in greater detail in "Calendar sections".
- Availability Section
Availability sections display resource availability charts. The data in an availability section is sourced from a query.
Availability sections are discussed in greater detail in "Availability sections".
When you create a new section, the first thing you need to do is specify the type of section it will be.
After you set the value of the Type property, the set of properties visible below the Type property changes to properties that are appropriate for the selected type of section.
After the first time you save a section's properties, the Type property becomes grayed out and you are no longer able to change its value.
To create smart sections in the currently selected tab that correspond to sections in the associated business object, check the check box next to each section's name, then click the Add action. A smart section will be added to the currently selected tab for each section selected in the Components panel.
A word about single-record smart sections: To specify that a user can click a hyperlink to the linked record in a single-record smart section, check the smart section's Show Embedded Link check box.