Calendar sections
A Calendar section displays the calendar for the record.
To create a calendar section, select the tab to contain the section and click the Add Section action. Then set the value of the Type property to Calendar Section.
Calendar sections are not executed in the Form Builder. Instead, the Layout displays a label identifying the section.
- Calendar Set
- The value for this property is the calendar set that is the source of events to be displayed in the calendar section. For more information about calendar sets, go to the IBM® TRIRIGA®: Application Administration User Guide.
- Context Override
- By default, the context for a calendar section is the record the form is displaying. You can use the Context Override property to specify a different context in terms similar to $$ query filters. For example, $$PARENT::General::triSpaceTX or $$USERID$$. For more information about these filters, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Reporting User Guide.
- Select Workflow
This workflow handles user interactions with the calendar section. All user actions trigger this workflow.
The workflow is passed two business objects as workflow parameters: a business object representing the action taken by the user and a business object that conveys the details for the calendar event on which the user performed the action.
These business objects are system business objects. The workflow detects what action was taken by the user as defined in the first business object and performs the appropriate tasks with the information on the calendar event defined in the second business object. The workflow returns failure and an error message that can be displayed to the user.
The first business object contains the action taken by the user. The name of this system business object is triUserAction and the fields in this business object are as follows:- triActionTX
The action performed. For example, RescheduleEvent or ChangeTimeWindowSelector.
If the action is to delete or cancel, the workflow must provide the processing to support the cancellation. For example, if a reservation is cancelled, the workflow must not only remove the reservation from the resource, but also any associated reservations for meal service and equipment, and ensure any cancellation charges are taken care of.
- triSuccessBL
- Returned by the workflow to tell whether the user action was a success or a failure.
- triUserMessageTX
- Returned by the workflow when the action fails. It contains a message to display to the user.
- triRefreshStrategyTX
- Returned by the workflow to identify what to refresh as a result of the action. The value
returned can be one of the following:
- none: Refreshes the data in the right side of the calendar section.
- self: Refreshes the calendar section.
- parent: Refreshes the tab that contains the calendar section under the control of the value of the Session only property in the Modify Metadata task in the workflow. For more information about the Session only property, see Modify metadata task.
- triReturnRecordIdTX
- Returned by the workflow to identify what record to open.
The second business object contains the details about the calendar event affected by the action. The name of this system business object is triCalendarEvent and the fields in this business object are as follows:- triEventIdTX
- The SpecId of the event acted upon. This is blank if the action does not affect any event or for an occurrence of a recurrence that is not an exception to the recurrence.
- triRecurrenceIdTX
- The SpecId of the event acted upon when the action affects an instance of a recurring event. This is blank if the action does not affect any event or for a single occurrence event.
- triResourceIdTX
- The SpecId of the resource affected by the event. This is filled only when the user selects or deselects a resource in the list of resources.
- triStartDT
- The start date of the event acted upon. If this is empty, triEndDT is also empty.
- triEndDT
- The end date of the event acted upon. If this has a value, triStartDT also has a value.
For example, the section workflow is triggered when the user changes the time for a resource. The value of triActionTX in triUserAction is ChangeTimeWindow. triCalendarEvent contains the new start date and time and end date and time. The time window selector updates to the new dates and times when the workflow runs a field onchange workflow.
If this property has no value, then no workflow runs when the user interacts with the section.
To specify the value of this property, select from the list of synchronous workflows. The synchronous workflows in the list are workflows launched from records created from the business object associated with the form that the calendar section is part of.
Note that the Select association created when the user interacts with the calendar section records is deleted after the workflow completes.
- Available View Modes
- A view mode describes the way days and events are displayed to the user. Select the check boxes for the options users are to have when they view the data in this calendar section.
- Default View Mode
- Select how this calendar section first appears to the user. After initial display, the user can change the way days and events are displayed from this initial value to another that is specified in the Available View Modes property.
- Alternate Form List
- This property identifies the alternate form list to be used to display a record when that record is opened from this calendar section. The alternate form used to display the record depends on the module, business object, and form defined for the record.
- Read Only
- If this check box is selected, a user cannot modify an event, nor move or drag an event, nor delete an event. A user can open an event record but not modify or delete any fields.