Project security setup

triCapitalProject records are managed using the Capital Projects page. To access the Capital Projects page, go to Projects > Capital.

To create a new capital project, click New Project. To edit a capital project record, click the hyperlinked name. To delete a capital project record, select the check box next to it and click Delete Project.

When you are creating a capital project record only for security purposes, the only field in the General tab that you need to complete is the Name field.

All of the security-related fields in the capital project form are in the Security tab, which is divided into sections that control access to records associated with the capital project record.

Users that are members of groups listed in the Group Access section have access to records internally associated with the capital project record. If a user ID's only access is as a member of groups that have their Read Only check box selected, the user can view but not change records that are internally associated with the capital project. Use the Find action to add a group to the Group Access section.

User IDs can also have access to a record internally associated with a capital project record if they are listed in the User Access section. If a user ID's Read Only check box in the User Access section is selected and the user does not belong to any groups listed in the Group Access section that do not have their Read Only check box selected, the user can view but not change records that are internally associated with that capital project record. Use the Find action to add a user to the User Access section.

For this security to be enforced, you must click the Activate action on the capital project form. Depending on the approval requirements for capital projects, the project may need to be approved. After the project is in Active status, the security is enforced. For more information about creating approval processes, see the IBM® TRIRIGA®: Application Administration User Guide.