Data Integrator requires that the Data Import Agent in the Agent Manager of the Administrator Console must be started. It also requires that the file that is being uploaded must contain the proper Publish Name fields for the imported business object.
However, if an upload file doesn't also contain the required fields for that business object, then a user who signs in and opens the record in IBM® TRIRIGA® sees a required-field error. New records that are imported must also contain required field values to ensure a smooth user experience.
As a result, there are two types of requirements for Data Integrator, functional and usability. Failure to meet either of these requirements can result in undesired consequences. If the functional requirements aren't met, Data Integrator fails on upload. If usability requirements aren't met, the data is successfully uploaded but imposes problems on the user experience.
It is always a good practice to test all Data Integrator files against a copy of a production system data before you conduct the actual upload or update.