Object migration packages
IBM® TRIRIGA® application versions 10.3 and above contain the required items for DataConnect.
For IBM TRIRIGA application versions prior to 10.3.0, you need to apply DataConnect object migration packages to your upgrades. Do not apply these object migration packages to IBM TRIRIGA application versions 10.3.0 and higher. The packages are named triDataConnectJob.zip and triDataConnectJobLog.zip and are in the IBM TRIRIGA installation directory in the \userfiles\upgrades folder. In the triDataConnectJob module, if the triDataConnectJob business object is not available on your installation, you must apply the triDataConnectJob object migration package. In the triLog module, if the triDataConnectJobLog business object is not available on your installation, you must apply the triDataConnectJobLog object migration package. After you import the triDataConnectJob object migration package, the triCreatedBy field is empty. This condition is not a problem and must not be modified. The DataConnect Agent populates the field with the IBM TRIRIGA user from the DataConnect Job entry.