Properties files

Certain IBM® TRIRIGA® properties must be set when they apply to your particular implementation. The properties files are in the config directory of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform installation. For example, on Windows, C:\Tririga\config is the typical location.

The properties files follow the concept of “name-value pairs” where a variable name is followed by an equal sign (=) and the defined value. Lines in the properties files that begin with a number sign (#) are comments and not read by the implementation. Name-value pairs are case-sensitive.

The variables and settings in the properties files might change from one version of IBM TRIRIGA to the next. Before you upgrade from a prior version of the IBM TRIRIGA software, save your old properties files. After you complete your upgrade installation, carefully review each newly installed properties file and adjust any values that apply to your implementation.

For information about the file, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Connector for SAP BusinessObjects User Guide.