Form hierarchies

The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform is organized to provide a clear separation between the design of a user interface and the internal organization of records. In keeping with this principle, you need to organize a hierarchy of forms to create a hierarchy of form records.

This hierarchy of forms does not need to precisely mirror the organization of the record hierarchy. If the same kind of record can appear under two different kinds of parents, you can choose to use the same or a different form in each context.

The way the Form Wizard organizes this hierarchy is that for each form that can be used in a hierarchy, you specify what form to use for each kind of child record. If you do not specify a form to create a particular kind of child record under a form, you are not able to create that kind of child from that form.

To specify what forms can be used to create child records from a parent form, use the Form Wizard's Includes/Forms tab, which is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Form wizard: Includes/Forms tab
The image is explained in the text.

For each business object that can be used to create a child of a record this form is used to edit, you can add a form to the Includes section of the Form Wizard's Includes/Forms tab.

Each row of the Includes section specifies a form that is to be used when you create a child record from a particular business object. You can have one row in the Includes section for each business object that may be used to create a child record under the type of record that the form edits.

In addition to specifying the form that will be used to create child records, the rows of the Includes section also specify the label that will be used in a hierarchy tree to indicate the type of record that a child is.

The other columns in the Includes section are intended to specify the appearance of a child record's label and icon image in a hierarchy tree. At the time of this writing, the platform does not use the values that are specified in these columns.