Preparing to troubleshoot performance problems

Configure a stand-alone server for debugging and enable application platform logging.

Configure a stand-alone server for debugging

Debugging SQL or business object problems, or using detailed logging when you reproduce other problems, can generate large logs and slow the system down. Instead, set up a stand-alone application server on a separate computer for debugging. Using a separate computer means that you can easily stop and start the server to change logging parameters and reproduce problems with a single user.

Enable IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform application platform logging

Platform logging enables real-time debug-level logging.

Start the administrator console. For more information, see Administering with the Administrator Console.

When you select an option and click Apply, debug-level logging starts immediately. When you clear an option and click Apply, debug-level logging stops immediately. When the server is restarted, the system reverts to the log4j.xml configuration settings.

Click the Roll Log icon or select one of the Roll actions. The system renames the current log file with the current date and time and begins entering new messages in a new file. You can add your own custom logging categories in the CustomLogCategories.xml configuration file that is located in the TRIRIGA® installation \config\ folder.

Performance logging is included in the startup classes. To enable the logger, in the log4j.xml in the \config\ folder, add the following category and set the priority value to either INFO or DEBUG:

<category name="Startup Duration Log" additivity="false">
   <priority value="[Value]" /> <!-- Set to DEBUG to enable logging -->
   <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
The following example shows log output for the INFO level:
2016-06-17 18:23:18,959 INFO [Startup Duration Log](Default Executor-thread-6) 
   TRIRIGA Application Started in: 33 seconds
The following example shows log output for the DEBUG level:
2016-06-17 18:23:18,959 DEBUG [Startup Duration Log](Default Executor-thread-6)
                 TRIRIGA Application Initialization Timing
    HTTPClientConnectionHandler completed in:.....................00 seconds
    UpgradeScripts completed in:..................................02 seconds
    SpringWebInitServlet completed in:............................26 seconds
    DispatcherServlet completed in:...............................00 seconds
    Begin StartupServiceManagerServlet
     - Method 'Upgrade Classes' completed in:.....................04 seconds
    StartupServiceManagerServlet completed in:....................06 seconds
    WidgetServlet completed in:...................................00 seconds
TRIRIGA Application started in:...................................43 seconds

For more information about platform logging, see Administrator console.

Apply the latest patches

Apply the latest available upgrade, patch, fix pack, or test fix for your release of TRIRIGA. Upgrades, patches, and test fixes contain fixes for platform and application issues and can contain features that might improve system performance. Patches also contain new features and parameters that you can use to monitor and debug system performance issues.