Metrics reports

Metric reports use the dimensions and fact fields that are defined in the fact tables to represent a specific metric calculation. Metric reports show aggregated values for a single metric.

Collections of metric reports for each user’s role appear in the portal Home page and in the Performance Manager.

Do not edit or modify the as-delivered metric reports as you customize TRIRIGA® software to your company’s environment. Instead, create a derivative metric report by copying an existing metric report, renaming it, and editing it, or by creating an entirely new metric report. View the metric reports at My Reports > System Reports with the Module filter set to triMetricFact, the Display Type filter set to Metric, and the Name filter set to Metric. To view the metric tabular reports that are related to metric graphic reports, set the Name filter to Related Reports.

Each metric report consists of the following elements:
Drill paths
A special reporting feature that takes advantage of hierarchical dimensions, providing report users with the ability to move up and down a hierarchy.
Provide report users with the ability to change or filter the data that is presented in a report.
Metric calculation
The metric, which is the main focus of the report.
Related reports
Display more, possibly non-metric, data for a metric report.

For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: Reporting User Guide.