Triggers the state transition actions on the records that are specified in the TriggerActions Array.
triggerActions is an array of TriggerActions objects that contains the record ID and the action name to trigger.
- RecordDoesNotExistException
- The record does not exist.
- ActionDoesNotExistException
- The action does not exist for an object type or the record is not in a state that allows an action.
- InvalidArgumentException
- The record ID or action name is invalid.
- AccessException
- The user does not have access to read the record.
- java.lang.Exception
- A system error occurred when the request was being processed.
Sample request
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:dto="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Sample response
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<triggerActionsResponse xmlns="">
<anyFailed xmlns="">false</anyFailed>
<failed xmlns="">0</failed>
<responseHelpers xmlns="">
<status xsi:nil="true">Successful</status>
<value xsi:nil="true"/>
<successful xmlns="">1</successful>
<total xmlns="">1</total>