Runs a pre-defined query that is stored in the platform in the Report Manager. This method supports queries that are defined with multiple associated business objects.
- projectName
- The name of the project.
- moduleName
- The name of the module.
- objectTypeName
- The name of the object type.
- queryName
- The name of the query.
- filters
- An array of filter objects for this query. The filters do not need to be runtime filters. Any filters that are already applied to the static query pertain. If a $$RECORDID$$ association filter is predefined in the query, a single associated record ID can be included in the request by specifying $$RECORDID$$ as the field name and the associated record ID as the value.
- start
- Defines the start position of the search. For example, if a query returns 5 results and you set the start value to 1, all 5 results are returned. If you set the start value to 4, the last 2 results are returned.
- maximumResultCount
- Limits the number of records returned. The maximumResultCount argument cannot exceed the max integer value of 2147483647, minus the start argument. Since the start argument is base 1, the maximumResultCount cannot exceed 2147483646.
A QueryMultiBoResult object is returned. The QueryMultiBoResult object contains the resulting records, a total count of the results, and a continuation token, if any. Each resulting record in the QueryMultiBoResult contains QueryMultiBoResponseColumn elements. Each QueryMultiBoResponseColumn element includes the module name, the business object name, and resulting data for the corresponding query defined display column. Each QueryMultiBoResponseColumn also contains a multiBoFieldIndex element. The multiBoFieldIndex element is used as an incremental index for a QueryMultiBoResponseColumn field that has the same name, module, and business object as another QueryMultiBoResponseColumn field. The first time a QueryMultiBoResponseColumn field is used, the multiBoFieldIndex element has a value of zero. The value of the multiBoFieldIndex element increases by one each time it is used. The displayValue element within each QueryMultiBoResponseColumn contains the translated value based on the user's locale.
- ProjectDoesNotExistException
- The project does not exist.
- ModuleDoesNotExistException
- The module does not exist.
- ObjectTypeDoesNotExistException
- The object type does not exist.
- QueryDoesNotExistException
- The query does not exist.
- InvalidArgumentException
- At least one of the arguments is invalid.
- AccessException
- The user does not have access to the module, business object, or record.
- java.lang.Exception
- A system error occurred when the request was being processed.
Sample request
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:dto="">
<ws:queryName>triFacilitiesProject - Projects And Users Demo</ws:queryName>
Sample response
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<runNamedQueryMultiBoLocalizedResponse xmlns="">
<continuationToken xmlns="">
<displayValue>Facility Project Test 1</displayValue>
<value>Facility Project Test 1</value>
<displayValue>Captital Project Test 1</displayValue>
<value>Captital Project Test 1</value>
<displayValue>Captital Project Test 2</displayValue>
<section> RecordInformation</section>
<value>Captital Project Test 2</value>
<displayValue>John User</displayValue>
<section> Details</section>
<value>John User</value>
<totalResults xmlns="">1</totalResults>