
Continue to run a query that uses a set of parameters. The query runs each time runDynamicQueryContinue is run. The results might not be as expected if the data is modified between executions of runDynamicQuery and runDynamicQueryContinue or runDynamicQueryContinue and runDynamicQueryContinue.


continuationToken is a continuation token for the next set of records that are included in the query result. It returns the same quantity of records from the previous call to runDynamicQuery. For example, if the initial call to runDynamicQuery has a start number of 1 and maximumResultCount has a start number of 10, the next call that uses runDynamicQueryContinue returns 10 records that start from record 11.


A QueryResult object that contains the resulting records, a total count of the results, a new continuation token, if any, is returned.


The continuation token is not recognized.
The user does not have access to the record.
A system error occurred when the request was being processed.

Sample request

	xmlns:soapenv="" 	xmlns:ws="" xmlns:dto="">

Sample response

	xmlns:soap="" 	xmlns:xsd="" 	xmlns:xsi="">
      <runDynamicQueryContinueResponse xmlns="">
            <continuationToken xmlns="">
            <queryResponseHelpers xmlns="">
                  <assocBoId xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <assocId xsi:nil="true"/>
                        <label>First Name</label>
                  <assocBoId xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <assocId xsi:nil="true"/>
                        <label>First Name</label>
            <totalResults xmlns="">450</totalResults>