Runs a query that uses a set of parameters.
- projectName
- Limits access to a project. Set the value as an empty string the query to search records in all projects that the session's user ID has access to.
- moduleName
- Limits the query to records in a module. Set the value as an empty string to indicate all modules
- objectTypeNames
- Limits the query to the object types. Set the value as an empty string to indicate all object types. If multiple object types are included, only fields that are a part of the base object definition for that module returns data.
- guiNames
- Limits the query to the GUI. Set the value as an empty string to indicate all GUIs.
- associatedModuleName
- Limits the query to the associated records of the Module ID.
- associatedObjectTypeName
- Limits the query to the associated records of the object type ID.
- projectScope
- Set the scope of the project by setting the value of projectScope to 0 for an active project, 1 for company level or 2 for all projects.
- displayFields
- Used to identify the fields included in the report. If a section name is not specified or recognized, that section is treated as the top-level section for the primary business object.
- associatedDisplayFields
- Used to identify the fields of the associated object. If a section name is not specified or recognized, that section is treated as the top-level section for the associated business object.
- fieldSortOrders
- An array of descriptors that describe how results are ordered.
- filters
- An array of dynamic filter parameters for this query.
- start
- Defines the start position of the search. For example, if a query returns 5 results and you set the start value to 1, all 5 results are returned. If you set the start value to 4, the last 2 results are returned.
- maximumResultCount
- Limits the number of records returned. The maximumResultCount argument cannot exceed the max integer value of 2147483647, minus the start argument. Since the start argument is base 1, the maximumResultCount cannot exceed 2147483646.
A QueryResult object that contains the resulting records, a total count of the results and a continuation token, if any, is returned.
- ProjectDoesNotExistException
- The project does not exist.
- ModuleDoesNotExistException
- The module does not exist.
- ObjectTypeDoesNotExistException
- The object type does not exist.
- RecordDoesNotExistException
- The record does not exist.
- InvalidArgumentException
- At least one of the arguments is invalid.
- AccessException
- The user does not have access to the module, business object, or record.
- java.lang.Exception
- A system error occurred when the request was being processed.
Sample request
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:dto="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<dto:label>First Name</dto:label>
Sample response
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<runDynamicQueryResponse xmlns="">
<continuationToken xmlns="">
<queryResponseHelpers xmlns="">
<assocBoId xsi:nil="true"/>
<assocId xsi:nil="true"/>
<label>First Name</label>
<assocBoId xsi:nil="true"/>
<assocId xsi:nil="true"/>
<label>First Name</label>
<totalResults xmlns="">450</totalResults>