Gets the metadata headers of all the GUIs for a particular object type. This lightweight method is useful for making a quick call to retrieve the GUI name or ids for use with other methods. This call is identical to the getGUIs method, except it takes in the String names of ObjectType and module instead of the objectTypeId.
- objectTypeName
- The name of the object type to be searched.
- moduleName
- The name of the module to be searched.
An array of GUI objects is returned.
- ObjectTypeDoesNotExistException
- The object specified by objectTypeName and moduleName do not exist.
- InvalidArgumentException
- The objectTypeName or moduleName is null or an empty string.
- java.lang.Exception
- A system error occurred when the request was being processed.
Sample request
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="">
Sample response
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<getGUIsByNameResponse xmlns="">
<ns1:GUI xmlns:ns1="">
<childRecordId xmlns="">0</childRecordId>
<id xmlns="">106615</id>
<label xmlns="">Document</label>
<moduleId xmlns="">11</moduleId>
<moduleName xmlns="">Document</moduleName>
<name xmlns="">Document</name>
<objectTypeId xmlns="">106615</objectTypeId>
<objectTypeName xmlns="">Document</objectTypeName>
<popupId xmlns="">0</popupId>
<recordId xmlns="">0</recordId>
<recordName xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
<saveOnPopup xmlns="">false</saveOnPopup>
<singleTab xmlns="">false</singleTab>
<state xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
<tabs xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
<type xmlns="">Wizard</type>