Gets the records that are associated with the given record though the given association. This method functions exactly as the getAllAssociatedRecords method, except it only takes one recordID instead of an array.
- recordId
- The source record for the association.
- association
- An association string filter. Leave an empty string "" to follow all associations.
- maxResults
- The maximum number of results to return. All results have a value of -1.
An array of association objects limited by maxResults if applicable.
- RecordDoesNotExistException
- The given context record does not exist.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Any of the arguments passed in are invalid.
- java.lang.Exception
- A system error occurred while processing the request.
Sample request
xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="">
Sample response
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<getAssociatedRecordsResponse xmlns="">
<ns1:Association xmlns:ns1="">
<associatedModuleId xmlns="">6</associatedModuleId>
<associatedObjectTypeId xmlns="">10002873</associatedObjectTypeId>
<associatedRecordId xmlns="">2544355</associatedRecordId>
<associatedRecordName xmlns="">test0.006383329817522099</associatedRecordName>
<associationName xmlns="">Primary Location</associationName>
<inverseAssociationName xmlns=""/>
<moduleName xmlns="">Location</moduleName>
<objectTypeName xmlns="">triSpace</objectTypeName>
<recordId xmlns="">2592271</recordId>
<reverseAssociationName xmlns=""/>
<sourceModuleId xmlns="">22219</sourceModuleId>
<sourceObjectTypeId xmlns="">10010138</sourceObjectTypeId>