Creating a form hierarchy

A form hierarchy is used to flatten the path of data based on the parent-child relationships for the specified module’s hierarchy and the business objects that represent levels. When you create a form hierarchy, only one business object can represent each level.


  1. Click Create Hierarchy.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name to describe what the hierarchy represents.
  3. From the Module list, select the relevant module for the form hierarchy.
  4. From the Hierarchy Type list, select Form.
  5. Click Create. The Levels section displays. Enter information for the level 1 form.
  6. From the Business Object list, select the relevant business object.
  7. From the Form list, select the relevant form.
  8. From the Type list, select Find.
    The Gap Label is the label that is specified when Ignore is selected from the Type list and a record is not found.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Continue entering and saving information until all levels are defined.
  11. Click Save, then click Close.