Hierarchies in every business object

Four hierarchies are built into the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform that are used to support specific data types of fields:

  • Geography
  • Location
  • Organization
  • Classification

The hierarchy that is shown in "Hierarchy modules" is part of the Geography hierarchy. The Location hierarchy is used to describe such things as the location of a building or a particular room in a building. The Organization hierarchy is used to describe organizations and sub-organizations.

A business object field can refer directly to a Geography, Location, or Organization record. Even though they do not appear in the Data Modeler, the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform supplies one of each of these in the layout for every business object as a non-display field. You can use the relationship that records can have to hierarchical records to manage or organize records. This is discussed in greater detail in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: User Experience User Guide.

The Geography and Organization hierarchies also can be used with the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform's security features to control access to specific records. These security features are discussed in "Security".

The Classification data type is based on the classification hierarchy.