Graphics sections highlight data in query and availability sections
You can to link a query section, an availability section, or both to a graphics section. In order to do this, you will need to first add a query section, or an availability section, or both to the form. Once this is done, those sections are available in the Associated Query/Availability Section property.
When a graphics section is linked to a query section, the spaces returned in the query are highlighted in the graphic. When the user selects records in the query section, those records are highlighted in the graphic, and vice versa.
When an availability section is linked to a query section, the spaces returned by the query in the availability section are highlighted in the graphic. The spaces are highlighted with the value of the Selectable property in the theme record. The user can only select these selectable spaces, either from the graphic or from the availability section.
After an availability section is linked to a graphics section, when the user selects spaces in the graphics section, the spaces are also selected in the availability section, and vice versa.
If either the graphics section or the availability section is configured for single-select, the other section respects this restriction even if it is not set as single-select.
When a query section is linked to a graphics section, the graphics section reflects runtime filters applied by the user to the query section. However, when an availability section is linked to a graphics section, the availability section ignores runtime filters applied by the user to the query section.
The primary use of this feature is to associate a floor plan and the availability of the resources on the floor plan to a query that returns spaces. The spaces on the floor plan and resources in the availability section that are also in the linked query section are highlighted.
Using this feature requires defining the context of the query results, which is used to determine the floor plans and resource availabilities associated with the query results. In order to define the context, you set the Display property to By Association and set the Module and Association Type properties appropriately in the graphics section. For example, if you want the floor plan from the Parent Floor of the spaces in the query results, set the Module to Location and Association Type to Parent Floor. Note that this association determines which floors appear in the menu in the graphics section. If the query had results of spaces from 10 different floors, then all 10 floors would appear in the menu.