Access tab

The Access tab determines how much access membership in the group grants to records created from specified forms. It also determines what actions the members of the group are allowed to perform on the records. In addition, the Access tab determines the access that the members of the group have to the tabs and sections of the form. The Access tab also determines the access to models and their associated actions.

The Access tab contains two sub-tabs: an Access Configuration sub-tab and an Access Summary sub-tab. The Access Configuration sub-tab has an Object panel and a Permission panel. The Object panel shows a tree that contains a list of forms that are organized by module. The tree also contains all of the tools that the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform provides, such as the Data Modeler and the Report Manager. The only exception is the Security Manager. To set access for the Security Manager, select Group in the Object panel. The tree also contains a list of all the models available in the environment.

The content of the Permission panel varies based on the selection in the Object panel.

Modules that contain published forms are represented by a plus sign icon. You can see the forms under a module by clicking the module's plus sign icon. Tools and modules that do not contain any published forms are represented by a dot.

Models appear in the Object panel under the Models node. Only systems with models have the Models node.

Changes made outside of the Models node do not affect UX applications. The only place to change security access to a UX application is in the Models node.

You can select a module, tool, or anything else that is in the Object panel by clicking its name. When something is selected in the Object panel, relevant choices for permissions appear in the Permission panel.

The permissions vary with the type of object that is selected in the Object panel. The meaning of the permission also varies with the type of object that is selected.

Review the access permissions in any group that you create

A new custom group by default provides no access to any tool or form object. With a new group, all access is prohibited until you explicitly grant it. Users in an unmodified, newly created group do not have access to anything.

On the Access Configuration sub-tab of the group, select each object in the Object panel for which you want to set permissions, then select the permissions and click Save in the Permission panel.

The Access Summary sub-tab contains a list of all available permissions for the group. The Access Controls panel contains a list of permissions for objects such as tools, modules, and forms. The UX Model Access Controls panel contains a list of permissions for UX models.

If you do not set specific permissions when you create a group, the Access Summary sub-tab will not contain any data. You must save the permissions for each object that you want to be associated with the group. If the permission that you want is already selected, then you do not need to click Save.

Objects such as forms, tabs, and sections that have Inherit from Parent selected for permissions do not display on the Access Summary sub-tab. Objects such as tools and modules that have No Access selected for permissions do not display on the Access Summary sub-tab unless you explicitly save the permissions on the Access Configuration sub-tab.

You can export the contents of the Access Summary sub-tab to a tab-delimited text file, which can be easily copied and pasted into a spreadsheet for convenient viewing. The file is saved on the server in a folder called \Groups under \userfiles in the IBM® TRIRIGA® server installation directory, for example, C:\Tririga\userfiles\Groups. The syntax of the file name is ACL_<group_name>. A notification is set to the user's Notifications portal when the export is completed.