Troubleshooting record data globalization
When you attempt to localize record data, errors might occur. For example, localized data might fail to display or might display in the incorrect language.
Localized data does not display in the record form or report
Use the following steps to determine why your data does not display:
- Verify that the business object field is marked as localizable in the Data Modeler.
- If the field cannot be marked as localizable in the Data Modeler, check the localizable property of its source field.
- Check that the localized data is stored in the language table.
- Check the server.log file and the TranslationData.log file for warnings and errors that relate to the field.
Empty values are displayed in the report for the localized field
Use the following steps to determine why empty values display in the report:
- Verify that localized values exist in the language table (L_) for the user language.
- If the field is a reference field, make sure that the localized value exists in the language table (L_) of the source field.
Empty values are displayed in module level reports or an error is displayed
Verify that the localized fields of the child business objects in the module are synchronized with the localized fields of the base business object. For example, if the triNameTX field is localized in the Classification base business object, then the triNameTX field of the triAreaType business object in the same module must also be localized.
Error during delta export
An error occurred while processing the export request: [MID-2544015618]
The error can occur if the language packs .zip file is not in the <install directory>\userfiles\LanguagePacks folder on the IBM TRIRIGA server.
The error can also occur if the language packs .zip file is renamed. The language packs .zip file is a requirement for doing delta export versus language packs.
The IBM TRIRIGA installer no longer includes the file. The file is on the Application Upgrade image in the IBM TRIRIGA application eAssembly on the IBM® Passport Advantage® website. The file must be downloaded and copied to the <install directory>\userfiles\LanguagePacks folder.
FileSystemAlreadyExistsException in the TranslationData.log file
This error can occur with delta exports. Delta export requests are asynchronous processes. If the second request is made before the first asynchronous process is completed, the first process still has a handle on the file. Wait for a little while until the first process completes before you start the second one.