Configuring GIS maps

You use GIS map records to display GIS maps in your IBM® TRIRIGA® portals and forms. The GIS map record defines the connection between the IBM TRIRIGA application and the ArcGIS server that provides the Esri maps. The GIS map record contains the metadata that defines which maps, layers, and widgets to display.


  1. Go to Tools > System Setup > GIS > GIS Map.
  2. Add a GIS map record.
  3. Specify the map name, the minimum and maximum extents, and the well-known ID (WKID) for the map.
  4. Identify the queries to define the data results that are shown on the map.
  5. Identify the basemaps and their URLs to the Esri server that is providing the map service.
  6. Identify any layers to provide the legend information that is shown over the map.
  7. Replace any icons to customize the pin images that are shown on the map.
  8. Identify any widgets to provide more map tools or customize new map tools.
  9. Identify any widget groups to receive security access to widgets, in addition to members of the admin group.
  10. Specify any geometry service that transforms projections for the Esri JavaScript viewer.
  11. Create and save the record.