Header files for hierarchical modules

Hierarchical objects have parent-child associations where the children depend on the existence of the parent object. Examples of IBM® TRIRIGA® hierarchical business objects are Geography, Location, and Organization.

You can confirm that a module is hierarchical in the Data Modeler by selecting the module and reviewing the module properties.

Hierarchical modules are unique in that they require an extra field in the header row of the Data Integrator Header File. The key word is Parent, which links the child record to the appropriate parent business object in the tree.

Every hierarchical tree has a root that is the same as the name of the module. For organization business objects, the root is Organization. For location business objects, the root is Location. For geography business objects, the root is Geography.

In addition to importing data, it might be necessary to import or append records that are child records to another business object. For example, building records are children of the location root. Floor records are children of buildings. Space records are children of floors.

On the Header File, manually add an extra column labeled Parent. The key word Parent is one of the reserved words in IBM TRIRIGA and is never found as an option when the header is created.